This article extends the work of the last two which looked at the distribution of female powerlifters by weight class (you can find them here and here). I think these...
In last week’s article, we looked at the current distribution of powerlifters by weight class. In the case of the men, it was roughly as you would expect, with the...
Take yourself to a powerlifting meet, and you get a pretty strong impression of the most popular weight classes. The 83kg and 93kg men can have multiple platforms each, while...
As we established in a previous post, powerlifting has been growing steadily over the last 10 years. With that growth, we have seen totals being pushed at all levels, with...
This article marks a milestone for Powerlifting in Data. This is the first crowd-sourced analysis (yes, I take requests!). So big thanks to Sean at Three Paths Powerlifting for your...
Last week, we answered the question “Am I strong enough to compete?” using data from first meets done by women. This week it’s the men’s turn. And spoiler alert: once...
Am I strong enough to compete? It’s a question that many new powerlifters ask themselves. We are human after all, and it is a very human desire to want to...
Prevailing powerlifting wisdom tells us that successfully completing all lifts in a powerlifting meet, aka going “9 for 9”, is the best way to have a successful meet. Not just...
For this week’s analysis, I wanted to see if there was any relationship between a lifter’s age and goodlift points. Say what you want about the goodlift formula (or Wilks...
It’s been an epic week for young women in Dutch powerlifting with Betty Aborah (-63kg) and Tessa Ophoff (-76kg) both winning the Junior European Championship in their respective classes. We...
It’s been really great to see in recent years powerlifting totals being pushed in all age divisions, especially in the juniors. It really feels like there is a lot of...
It’s absolutely no secret that participation the sport of powerlifting has grown over the last few decades. But I needed a nice easy visualisation to start off with, so here...